New NFT ‘Kid On The Block’ May Overtake OpenSea
As you may have heard of the infamous goliath OpenSea. which has been dominating the NFT marketplace for many years […]
As you may have heard of the infamous goliath OpenSea. which has been dominating the NFT marketplace for many years […]
Are you an online gamer? If you’re not one, you should become one soon. Why? Because, a blockchain gaming company based in Central Europe is turning heads and creating a real value for users and their online gaming business. They’re giving a real Tesla car to a winner of its game. Read on and you’ll understand why blockchain gaming infused with NFTs is becoming the next ‘big’ thing. Or is it?
You must have heard about NFTs or Non Fungible Token. This blockchain powered utility token has been raving news sites and media portals lately. Binance announced its recent tie up with Hermitage Museum, the world’s second largest art museum after the Louvre, Paris. They are planning to tokenize art masterpieces created by Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh.
During the recently concluded 4th Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC 4) held in Paris from July 20-22, #VitalikButerin (creator of Ethereum) shed some pretty amazing insights. He feels Ethereum is designed more than just to cater to the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
Ever wondered if the perfume you purchased from Shopify is authentic or fake? You don’t need to wonder anymore. Blockchain […]