New NFT ‘Kid On The Block’ May Overtake OpenSea
As you may have heard of the infamous goliath OpenSea. which has been dominating the NFT marketplace for many years […]
As you may have heard of the infamous goliath OpenSea. which has been dominating the NFT marketplace for many years […]
During the recently concluded 4th Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC 4) held in Paris from July 20-22, #VitalikButerin (creator of Ethereum) shed some pretty amazing insights. He feels Ethereum is designed more than just to cater to the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
These are indeed very exciting times. Just a few weeks ago El Salvador’s President, Nayib Bukele announced that his nation will likely treat bitcoin as legal tender and now it’s official, there is a Bitcoin Law and El Salvador is the first country in the world to legalize bitcoin. Question is, what does this mean for the citizens of El Salvador and the rest of us?
In view of the recent business shift due to Covid-19, many C-level executives have been tasked to revisit all initiatives and look into every facet of their businesses to discover what works, what doesn’t work and to discard any components deemed redundant or unnecessary. Here’s what Oracle Malaysia is doing in terms of its blockchain and other emerging technology initiatives.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is hoping to aid supply chain businesses with its new roadmap for deploying blockchain. They’ve come up with a toolkit designed to help all sectors even supply chains which is falling in many areas due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The global Internet of Things (IoT) market is booming. According to a report by Fortune Business Insights, the global internet of things (IoT) market was valued at US$ 190.0 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reach US$ 1,102.6 Billion by 2026.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly on its way to revamp many industries and the way they operate. But with the recent Coronavirus or COVID-19, larger MNCs have stepped in to see what they can do to battle this malice which is not only disrupting lives and businesses but it is killing us too.
One of the world’s biggest human resources and talent recruitment firm, Randstad recently declared they’ve started test runs of a new system built on blockchain technology.
There are already several industries benefiting from blockchain tech, including the fashion industry. All thanks to designer cum entrepreneur Rebecca […]
Blockchain technology is no longer just for the Finance or Banking sector. In fact, more and more non banking and […]