40 Percent of Fintech Firms In Hong Kong Use Blockchain Feature Image

40% of New Fintech Firms in Hong Kong Use Blockchain

In the wake of the 21st century, more and more companies have made it a point to utilize Financial Technology (FinTech) in all aspects of their business processes. In this article, we will try to examine why they are choosing Blockchain and Hong Kong. Tasks which were once dependent on human beings, are now being replaced with softwares and applications.

Nvidia And IBM Using AI To Fight COVID-19

Nvidia & IBM Using AI To Fight COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly on its way to revamp many industries and the way they operate. But with the recent Coronavirus or COVID-19, larger MNCs have stepped in to see what they can do to battle this malice which is not only disrupting lives and businesses but it is killing us too.