CBT Instructor

Are you involved in Supply Chain? Then you MUST join me in this webinar where I lay all the cards and unveil how to leverage Blockchain and AI to transform your supply chain operations towards efficiency, transparency and security.

25 Sept 2024 (Wed)   |   10am – 11am   |   Zoom Online

With over 8-years of IT Project Management and training experience, specializing in dApps, smart contracts, Blockchain, Ai and IoT, I’ve learnt a ton. Especially, how and what decentralization and AI is doing to supply chain companies worldwide. Can we truly leave supply chain to AI and decentralize operations?

Here’s what I’ll be sharing in the webinar:

Key features of blockchain relevant to SCM.
AI is used to predict supply chain trends and optimize operations.
Real-time tracking of goods & how to reduce fraud.
AI algorithms improving just-in-time delivery.
Case studies & real-world examples.